Education for Tobacco Retailers

The Tobacco Prevention Program provides the following assistance and education to retailers:

  • Information and/or training for staff on Tobacco Sales to Minors laws
  • Signage regarding No Sales to Minors
  • Education on the impact of tobacco point-of-purchase advertising has on youth
  • Suggestions on ways to reduce point-of-purchase advertising’s impact on youth
  • Reward/Reminder Tobacco Sales to Minors Program

Retailers are required to post signs prohibiting sales of tobacco products and inhalant delivery systems to persons under the age of 21. 

You can download these signs here. 

Oregon Tobacco Retail License Program 

As of January 1, 2022, any business that wants to be authorized to sell tobacco, nicotine and vaping products in Oregon is required to get a Tobacco Retail License from the Department of Revenue. The licensing requirement is imposed on all retailers, including but not limited to:

  • Convenience stores
  • Bars
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Gas stations
  • Music venues

Retailers must be in a fixed and permanent location, and online sales of tobacco are prohibited. Violations of any tobacco retail law may result in civil penalties, license suspension or revocation. In addition, local jurisdictions may have their own restrictions on the sale of tobacco or vaping products.

This new license was created to increase retailer knowledge and compliance of federal and state laws regulating the sale of tobacco and inhalant delivery system products. In other states it has helped to reduce youth access to tobacco in our community. Tobacco retail licensing allows OHA to monitor local businesses and make stores healthier places for everyone to shop. This policy can also support other retail policies to address such concerns as youth access to tobacco, youth exposure to marketing, retailer location or density, retailer incompliance with federal or state laws.

The license does not apply to retailers operating on tribal lands.

Local jurisdictions that were already operating a license program may keep their local program. For information and links to local tobacco retail license programs, visit the Oregon Department of Revenue.

Senate Bill 754

On Wednesday August 9, 2017 Governor Kate Brown signed Senate Bill 754 into law. This law raised the required minimum age for a person to legally buy or obtain tobacco products, inhalant delivery systems, and tobacco product devices, from 18 to 21.

This law applies to conduct occurring on or after January 1, 2018. There is no violation for people ages 18, 19, or 20 to possess tobacco products or inhalant delivery systems. Oregon was the 5th state in the nation to raise the age to purchase tobacco to 21 years.

Raising the age to purchase tobacco to 21 years old is an evidence-based strategy that will help reduce youth initiation of tobacco. Most addiction to tobacco starts in adolescence, so protecting kids is critical. Nine out of ten adults who smoke report that they started smoking before they turned 18, and almost 100 percent start before they turn 26.

If you see a tobacco retailer selling tobacco to someone you know is under 21 and would like to let us know, please send an email to: Tobacco.Inspections [at]
